In the field of foot and spine health, traditional static foot and spine testing, despite its long history, has limitations in terms of scientific rigor and precision. With evolving policies and growing market demand, especially in children's spinal health, there's a need for more comprehensive and precise monitoring methods. Dynamic foot and spine monitoring has emerged, providing a novel perspective for foot and spine health.
Our foot and spine health ecosystem encompasses hardware (smart insoles/smart spine protection systems), software (Foot and Spine Health App), data (children's foot and spine health database), and platform (Foot and Spine Health MaaS). Our solution is not just a smart tool, but an all-encompassing health ecosystem that integrates screening, monitoring, and improvement services, offering an innovative solution.
Works with school health programs to timely identify students' foot and spine issues.
Enables parents to monitor their children's foot and spine health via the app.
Offers customized spinal correction training plans based on monitoring results.
Assists doctors in diagnosis, providing more precise treatment plans.